Girl Holding Permanent Marker Turns Little Sister into a Zebra

Look what happens to a toddler who has a little sister and is holding a permanent marker. Amy Herrmann was wondering why her kids were a bit quiet and when she walked into their kitchen, she saw her 3-year old daughter drawing stripes all over her little sister! Amy posted on her Facebook account just over a week ago and it has since become viral.

The little sister, who is just 18 months old, was oblivious of the situation and the mother was wondering what got into her daughter why she did that. The daughter’s excuse? She loves zebras!

Here’s how their conversation in the video went:

Mom: What is this?
Baby: A zebra.
Mom: What?
Baby: A zebra!
Mom: *pause* That’s really silly, babe.
Baby: But I love a zebra.
Mom: Yes, but your sister doesn’t need to be a zebra babe.
Baby: But I love being zebras!

Girl Draws Black Stripes on Little Sister to Turn her into a Zebra

We couldn’t control ourselves from laughter and how funny this was. Although this could be really tough for the mother to clean up her baby! Here’s your turn to watch the cute and funny clip below:

Ohhhhh k. I knew they seemed too quiet….

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Posted by Amy Herrmann on Thursday, February 18, 2016


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